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APOLLONIAN -- SILVER Drachm, Apollonia, Illyria, Greece, c. 200 - 80 B.C.

This type circulated alongside, and presumably at parity with, Roman Republican denarii.

Silver drachm, BMC Illyria p. 57, 14; SNG Cop 382, F, 3.219g, 15.1mm, 0o, Apollonia mint, obverse TIMHN, cow suckling calf left, monogram in ex; reverse "APOL - DAMO-FWN-TOS", double stellate pattern within double linear square with sides curved inwards. I like the psychometric reads on this, very bucolic, reminiscent of the Pastoral Symphony footage in Disney's "Fantasia", with lots of views of crowds of ancient peoples, plus a powerful connection with teh Cult of Apollo.

Having had a chance to work with this coin, I can say that the ancient solid silver content has an interesting ability to capture the images and sound just a bit better than bronze. As the Pagans often say, "Silver is the metal of choice" for invocation and magickal effects.

Can be used more actively than most psychometrics, excellent for Objective Prayer, when powered by an altar which contains salt candles, chondrite meteorites and bronze bell. Use with sandalwood incense for this purpose.

