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ARCHAIC PORTRAIT of Apollo -- Istros, Thrace, c. 350 - 250 B.C. Mystery School

Bronze AE 10, Lindgren III A41d, AMNG 458; BMC Thrace -; SNG Cop -; SGCV I -, F, 1.542g, 13.2mm, 0o, Istros mint, c. 350 - 250 B.C.; obverse head of Apollo right; reverse "ISTRI"; sea-eagle grasping dolphin in talons; OF THE UTMOST RARITY, you will not see another exactly like this. A very unusual variant.

Okay, I've had the opportunity to work a bit with this piece on a SuperBeacon Altar setup. First of all, it has terrific audio-visuals, but more than that, it is a great invocational piece when used as an active part of a properly constructed altar with chondrites, salt candles and bronze bell. Using a bit of benzoin along with genuine frankincense (not the stuff they sell in stores) and myrrh, I added a pinch of storax, and came away with a first-person zooming spin around several areas; a port city, a temple on the heights and a small narrow street. There's more to be discovered if someone puts the time into it.

