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1 Bronze Coin from My Travels

Judean, mostly Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan), 103 - 76 B.C.

Mostly star & anchor Alexander Jannaeus, but it's a mixed bag, so it could be anything Judean from Herod to Pontius Pilate, meaning who knows what you'll end up with???

These are bronze prutah or leptons -- Judean coins -- that I picked up casually along the way, saw them lying there, just reached down and put it in my pocket; don't remember where they are from in particular or what the circumstances were for each coin, but they have been with me a while.

I have professionally cleaned these coins; they look bright and are sharp and clear, really nice examples of Judean coins, which I would categorically say are "super".

I feel that they are very magical in many ways, as a direct connection to Jewish History and of course of one of the most famous Jews in history, Jesus the Nazorean (Jesus the Healer), which later was altered to read Jesus of Nazareth, and as coins I personally picked up, cleaned and kept with me in my studio.

These coins connect also with the Jewish Revolt and with the building of the two temples and the institution of "Judaism" under Alexander Janneaus. You could get lucky and end up with a very rare one, but the odds are against it. I have NOT cherrypicked them, just chose the nicest looking ones for you.

I have priced them so they can be accessible to as many as possible, at only $20.00 per coin, limit one to each buyer.

Order early to avoid disappointment at missing them.

I have also placed the very best of the best in 3-up velvet presentation boxes for Hanukkah presents...they are perfect for it, because these coins are MACCABEAN, meaning that they are totally associated with the Celebration of the Feast of Lights, which is Hanukkah.

Single Coin in Flipper $20.00

Single Coin mounted in air-tight capsule and placed in Velvet Presentation Box $60.00

Three very high-grade Judean Coins mounted in air-tight capsules and placed in Velvet Presentation Box $125.00
